Help us build the biggest AI community, and earn money with our Referral Ecosystem

Join our Referral Ecosystem and play a vital role in the growth of Promptmaster, the world's leading AI community. All you need to do is share our platform with others, and you'll receive a lifelong commission from every user who registers through your referral link!

We believe in rewarding our community members who help us grow. That's why we've designed our Referral Ecosystem that gives back up to 60% of our revenue to those who support us.

How It Works

  1. Register on our website.
  2. Invite your friends, family members, or anyone interested in AI and the future.
  3. Earn commission as more people join through your referral link.
  4. You don't need to convince anyone to buy anything. If they just register to our email newsletter using your referral link, you will still get commissions if they buy any product later on.

This way, you can make time and AI development work for you. As AI gets more and more widespread, you will earn more and more referral commissions from our Referral Ecosystem.

Referral Ecosystem Structure

Our Referral Ecosystem has 5 levels, allowing you to benefit from the connections you make:

  1. Level 1: 35% - Direct referrals
  2. Level 2: 10% - Referrals made by Level 1
  3. Level 3: 7% - Referrals made by Level 2
  4. Level 4: 5% - Referrals made by Level 3
  5. Level 5: 3% - Referrals made by Level 4


If each affiliate refers only 5 friends, and they buy our cheapest product for $100, the total commission earned in this scenario amounts to $13,800, showcasing the potential income that can be generated from our referral ecosystem.

Experience Promptmaster Firsthand

We believe it's essential for you to have personal experience with our community, content, and courses. Your firsthand knowledge will allow you to make genuine recommendations, leading to more successful referrals.

Join us now and help build the best AI community together!

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