Cheatcode Bootcamp

Move fast and make things.

Become a Cheatcoder in 8-weeks. In this hands-on Bootcamp, you're going to build no-code AI agents for your needs, and master hyperfocus on demand.
Turn your ideas into reality at lightning speed.

It equips you with powerful AI and no-code tools to rapidly turn your ideas into reality. Our 'structured chaos' curriculum embraces non-linear thinking through bite-sized lessons and hands-on, practical projects. You will ideate, build and automate at lightning speed, bringing new concepts to life faster than ever before.

In just 8 weeks, you'll create a series of AI agents that work for you 24/7. You'll learn to maintain intense focus while automating tedious tasks through carefully designed exercises. You'll think faster, build faster, and grow faster - all without writing a single line of code.

I've done about 7 different courses and hands down Promptmaster is the best, without exception.

Dr Ward Risvold

AI Labs Director and Lecturer at Georgia College & State University

Unlock Your Productivity Superpower: The Cheatcoder Advantage

Cheatcoders harness the power of intense focus, potentially increasing productivity by 400%+ on specific tasks. That's like completing a full workweek in a single day. Our 8-week bootcamp teaches you to trigger your hyperfocus on demand and automate routine work, freeing your mind for creative problem-solving.

With over 1,000 students from across 47 countries already benefiting from our previous courses, our methods are proven to work. From solopreneurs to Fortune 500 consultants, Cheatcoders are building in days what used to take months.

With a 99% satisfaction rate, our education products are high quality, endorsed by universities.

Join the ranks of high-performers who have turned their unique thinking patterns into their greatest business asset.

Here's what previous students said about us:

Your new skills

Build these new AI and no-code skills in 8 weeks 

Once you complete this bootcamp, you will be confident and proficient in using the following AI and no-code tools. (All trademarked names belong to their respective owners.)






Agent Architecture


Google Sheets

Claude API

JSON data



Your Instructor

Dave Talas

As an online educator and AI expert, I'll guide you through the world of generative AI and no-code AI agent building. I have been a guest lecturer at 2 Hungarian universities, did many workshops for companies like Entrepreneurs' Organization, Forbes and Novo Nordisk, and I'm also a member of the Make Academic Alliance.

Build AI agents in 8 weeks.

Daily challenges. Expert feedback. 24/7 community. Here's a glimpse of the game-changing skills you'll master:

Why entrepreneurs who master AI and automation are poised to dominate their industries in the coming decade.

Entrepreneurs often struggle with follow-through. Discover how Cheatcoding ensures your brilliant ideas become reality.

Decision paralysis can cripple business owners. Build your own AI assistants that help you make confident choices in minutes.

Build your own personalized AI agents for your own tasks, without writing a single line of code.

The best software tools that turn ideas into business success in less than 60 days.

What AI-powered technique allows you to delegate tasks to virtual assistants without ever touching a line of code?

What no-code tool lets you build a fully functional AI agent faster than you can lose interest in the idea.

What never-failing strategy ensures your business runs smoothly even when your focus inevitably shifts?

When to deploy your AI agents for maximum productivity (hint: it's not when you think).

If you've ever lost a brilliant idea because you couldn't act fast enough, then our “Shiny Object Prototyping System” will be a game-changer.

The quickest, easiest way to turn your ADHD-like brainstorms into functional prototypes without coding.

The quickest, easiest method to set up a 24/7 automated customer service system that rarely drops the ball.

3 prompting techniques that boost your productivity by 300% (One Cheatcoder's real results).

You will build automated systems that keep your business running smoothly even during your low-focus days.

Build and launch your dream business idea before your hyperfocus phase ends.

Never lose another brilliant idea to procrastination or distraction again.

The surprising way Cheatcode turns your attraction to shiny objects into a powerful business asset.

Caution: Becoming a Cheatcoder might result in an unfair, legal advantage over your non-AI-powered competitors.

Are you constantly jumping from one exciting idea to the next? Discover how AI tools can help you capitalize on your creativity without losing focus.

How to harness your love for shiny objects to rapidly test and launch successful business ideas.

How to leverage AI to capitalize on your creativity while eliminating the drawbacks.

How to automate 80% of your daily tasks, freeing your mind to focus on what truly matters.

Caution: Cheatcoding may make traditional business methods seem frustratingly slow.

The truth about no-code development: why it's the great equalizer for neurodivergent entrepreneurs.

Some more student testimonials

Click video to play

How the Cheatcode Bootcamp works

The Cheatcode Bootcamp is an 8-week, asynchronous, online, community-driven workshop.

It’s not a bunch of video lessons that you watch. It is a workshop where you get work done.

Throughout this 8-week Bootcamp, you will do practical exercises in a peer-support community. The exercises will be published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and each will be a task you have to accomplish, with guidance from the instructor Dave Talas.

These tasks and exercises are designed to get you step-by-step to the point where you know exactly how to turn on your ADHD hyperfocus on demand and automate the tasks you don’t want to work on. In fact, during the workshop, you will build the AI agents and customize them to your own ways as you learn.

This educational method is heavily inspired by Seth Godin’s TEDx Talk - Stop Stealing Dreams, and the Akimbo workshops. We believe in learning by doing, and this bootcamp is designed to achieve that while providing the necessary support if you get stuck.

The bootcamp kicks off in September so you will be able to work with your peers and you’ll develop a habit of shipping the work and giving each other feedback. At the end of the workshop, the platform will close, and you’ll have the opportunity to archive your work for yourself.

Cheatcode Bootcamp curriculum

  • ADHD and AI - How to use AI tools as an extension of your prefrontal cortex and stay focused
  • Cheatcoder mindset - How great Cheatcoders think
  • Brainstorming AI agents - Get the skills of productive AI agent brainstorming. Know what to look for, and how to pick the right type of agent for every possible use case
  • AI agent documentation - Write documentations that make it crystal clear on what the AI agent is supposed to do and how. After this, building it is the easy part.
  • Pseudocode - Master coding without writing code. Learn how to think like a programmer and write "code" in the most common programming language - English
  • Flowcharting - Create easy-to-understand visual representations on how your AI agents will work
  • ITO Framework - Learn how to define tasks with the Input, Task, Output framework.
  • Main types of agents (you will build some version of these without writing code):
    • Audio/Video transcription + GPT processing (one-to-one) (one-to-few)
    • Content Repurposing Agent (one-to-many)
    • Chatbot agent (dynamic conversation)
    • News aggregator (many-to-one)
  • System creation process (VSOS formula) - Learn the proper way to build systems (and why building systems that scale shouldn't be your first focus)
  • Ensuring consistent GPT responses - Master advanced Prompt Engineering techniques that make your LLM responses reliable within automations.
  • LLM Brain architecture - Build an LLM Brain for your AI agents, so they can make smarter decisions.
  • Conversation Design for AI agents - Build in the conversation design right into the no-code agent, so no matter what information comes in, solid responses come out.
  • No-code knowledge bases (RAG) - Integrate a knowledge base within the no-code environments, so your AI agents can respond with private information.
  • AI Agent testing, deployment and delivery - Once everything is done, learn how to test, deploy and deliver your AI agent for yourself, or your clients.

How Dave helped students before:

Enroll today!

Secure your September seat now!

Limited to the first 20 action-takers. After 20 enrolments, doors close, and we will only open it in 2025 again! This is the first iteration of this bootcamp, hence the 50% discount. The next cohort will begin from $2,000. You can see the spots left on the checkout page.

Cheatcode Bootcamp
Only 10 spots left. Closes Sep 8th.
$999 (50% OFF)
What's inside:
3 lessons/week for 8 weeks
Asynchronous bootcamp
Community-based platform
Q&A calls with Dave
Build AI agents for your needs
"Show your work" refunds
3-month Make subscription
No coding skills required
Enroll today and become a Cheatcoder


Find answers to common inquiries about the Cheatcode Bootcamp.

What is Cheatcoding?

Cheatcoding is our unique approach to using AI and no-code tools to build and automate business processes, because it’s so fast, it feels like some sort of cheatcode. No coding experience is required - if you can explain an idea, you can build it with our methods.

When does the bootcamp start?

The next cohort begins on September 9th. Applications close on September 8th.

Is the bootcamp self-paced or live?

It's a blend of both. You'll receive 3-5 exercises each week to complete at your own pace. We also offer weekly live Q&A sessions and 24/7 community support.

What platform will be used for the bootcamp?

We'll use Discourse (not Discord!) for our main workshop platform. It’s user-friendly and great for fostering discussions. You'll receive detailed access instructions via email before the bootcamp starts.

What are no-code AI agents?

No-code AI agents are AI-powered systems that can perform specific tasks without the need for traditional coding. In our course, you will discover how to build and deploy no-code AI agents for different purposes. You will learn the 3 main parts of these AI agents, understand their architecture, and learn how to build one for yourself in a matter of minutes.

How much does the bootcamp cost?

The early-bird price is $999 for the first 20 people. After that, the enrollment closes, and will only open again in 2025.

What if I don't like the course? Do you offer refunds?

We offer a "Show Your Work" money-back guarantee. If you complete all the exercises over the 8 weeks and still can't create AI agents, we'll refund your purchase. We believe in the effectiveness of our program when you put in the work.

What software will I need and how much should I budget for software costs?

To make the most of the bootcamp, you'll need the following tools.
Slack: $4.38/mo/member
OpenAI API: max $20 total credits for the bootcamp duration)
Google Workspace: $6/mo/member
Make: Free (only for our students, we’re official Make Academic Alliance Partners)
ChatGPT Plus: $20/mo
Zapier: $30/mo
Dropbox: $20/mo

Total per month for one member: $87.05

I can’t write code. Is this bootcamp for me?

Absolutely! Our bootcamp is designed for entrepreneurs of all tech levels. No coding or tech skills required. If you can use a smartphone, you can learn to Cheatcode.

How much time should I dedicate to the bootcamp each week?

We recommend setting aside 10-20 minutes per day for best results.

Will I have access to the materials after the bootcamp ends?

No, 1 month after the end of the workshop, the platform will close, and you’ll have the opportunity to archive your work for yourself.

I want to build an AI app can this bootcamp help me with that?

No. The bootcamp is designed to help you leverage AI as an extension of your brain for your ADHD. You will build a few AI Agents for yourself, but not an application with website UI.

How is this different from the Prompt Master AI Course or the Lifetime Membership, if I have that, should I still join?

The Cheatcode Bootcamp is not only an upgraded version of the Prompt Master AI Course and the Lifetime Membership, but also highly specific towards building AI agents. There will be a little overlap, but while the Prompt Master AI Course was mostly lectures, the Cheatcode Bootcamp will be mostly discussions, learning by doing and learning by teaching others.