Hello there!

We're the two Davids behind Promptmaster, but we're not alone.
We're also supported by a group of experts who have been working in the AI field for years.

A quick backstory: both of us are neurodivergent college dropouts. Together we've built over half a dozen successful businesses over the last 10 years and our businesses have generated over $20m in revenue. But here's the thing: the education system failed both of us. We learned business by doing.

Education is broken. We're still learning the same way we've done for thousands of years but our world is becoming increasingly disconnected from how we learn. We started Promptmaster because if we can help you think faster, you'll be able to learn more about the world faster, find your place in it. Together, we can fix education.

What would YOU do, if you could think faster?

Our Mission

Disrupting education one student at a time

Something seriously went wrong with sharing knowledge at some point. We used to buy books and then give them to friends. Now everything is a membership, a subscription, everything is overpriced, degrees are useless and gifting used books is frowned upon.

We're doing things differently.

If you buy a course from us, it's yours for life. If you pay a little more, you get our full curriculum, unlimited access, end of story. If you're done with learning, drop us an email and you can gift your access to someone else who should learn. Just like you would gift a book.

We're also putting our money where our mouth is and teaching at several universities, corporate workshops and public keynotes. If you meet us, say hi!

Promptmaster Co-Founders
David Szabo-Stuban

David Szabo-Stuban

CEO, Co-Founder

Tech entrepreneur, computer engineer, researcher. Ran his machine learning company for 5 years, launched over a dozen software products across a number of industries.

Dave Talas

Dave Talas

COO, Co-Founder

Entrepreneur & educator with expertise in Instagram and digital marketing, online education and brand building. Taught more than 10K+ students online.